Mar 19, 2006

I'm obviously still getting the hang of this, I do not have any clue why alot of my blogs are double posted, and I haven't a clue how to delete the extra one. How do you mess with colors? How do you upload really neat graphics? How do you do _____?

Guess I'm learning.

And so this has some value to it...recently a thought has been bouncing around my head.

Is a sense of moral superiority a sin? Obviously we should be humble and treat others as we ourselves would like to be treated...but is walking around in judgement and believing ourselves to be morally superior an actual sin? Right now, I'm leaning toward it being a sin...but I'm open to comment.

1 comment:

The Charlebois said...

I would say...yes.
I think true humility comes when we look at ourselves compared to Christ and realize that we are completely destitute and worthless without him, no better than any body else on this earth. We need His grace because we're not any better. We may follow the rules better than some, but sin is sin is sin is sin. Period.
However, I also would say that we can't go around moping over our wretched state. In recognizing our weaknesses, we also know that we are The King's kids!!! We can walk with our head high knowing that His grace has set us free, but at the same time not look down on others, knowing that without Him we are just as deplorable. We are all sinners in need of a Savior.