Apr 6, 2007

Laptop Update #2

Sitting here waiting for the DivX codec to update...so got a minute or two of time to kill. Kinda nice to be able to blog from the comfort of my own room.

Ok, more new laptop impressions. Yes, I hate the mouse pad. I'm sure there is some way to tweak the settings, legally or otherwise, so that will happen later. I'm having an easier time typing this with the laptop actually sitting in my lap than on the kitchen table before.

Ok, have to mention this. The first cd to be played on my laptop...nay, the first official music on my laptop, not counting YouTube earlier...is...badum badum...

U2-Zooropa!! "What do you want?" indeed...

Great cd...great song. Sounds pretty good too...sore spot number one, cause it could sound BETTER...cause I am paying for it to sound BETTER!! Yet no better soundcard...stupid Dell.

Well...here's the main deal with the laptop. You can not buy a new PC without getting Vista. Vista is too new, nothing runs on it, and I don't want it. So...we had to scrub out Vista. Complete deletion, reinstall with XP. We decided to create a smaller partition for XP in the hopes that we could get both XP and Vista installed; dual boot as it is called.

So far, only XP. Need to call Dell to ask some questions about the crappy discs they sent with the computer before we want to attempt to install Vista. Right now XP has maybe a 30 gig partition even though I have a 120 gig drive. Not to worry though, I have a 250 gig external sitting around somewhere...

Mad Dog, as it is called.

Now that I have this laptop...and keep on accidently hitting the mouse pad when I type...which pisses me off...anyways, I was thinking of trying something later on.

Live blogging from church. I sit there, have lots of questions, lots of observations, and tend to forget them after the sermon is over. Well, now I can blog them! Might be interesting to try sometime...

Ok, back to the updates. Later.

Final thought a minute later...now that I've listened to both Zooropa and Babyface...I'm already hearing parts of the songs I've never heard before. You know how awesome that is?? Hearing a new part or harmony or lick or something in the background....


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